Explore the Features of the Online Sailing Journal

Overview of the navigation and features of raceQs sailing journal.

Quick Tip: Use raceQs to find Crew, or, to find a Ride

It's important to keep your profile up to date as it is a crucial part of your online sailing resume. If you want your profile private, it's easy to change your settings by clicking on "About".

Quick Tip: Did you know you can share your 3D replay with people who don't use raceQs?

Share your 3D race replay with your friends using the new "share" icons. Your friends do not need a raceQs' account to see your replay, the link will be visible to everyone.

Quick Tip: Don't forget to add your crew to your 3D replay

Be sure to add your crew so that they get credit for the miles sailed in their online sailing journal. When you add them in the raceQs system, the replay becomes part of their sailing log.

Quick Tip: Keep up with your Friends and manage your Privacy

Keep up with your friends by "Following" their journeys. You can "Blacklist" specific people if you want your profile invisible to them.

Quick Tip: Manage your next Race with raceQs Event Manager

Organizing your next race? Finally, there is a better way than messy e-mail chains or annoying group texts. The raceQs' event manager makes it easy to invite your crew, track event changes, and even automatically.

Quick Tip: Discuss your race replay with your friends

Using raceQs time-stamped "GeoComments" to identify key moments of your race and discuss them with your crew. Each comment is attached to a specific time, and location in your replay.

Event Management - Simplify Your Life

Check out this two minute video that explains the benefits of the built-in online sailing event manager. Creating events is easy! Keep all of the communications in one place, and even upload event documents for your crew like the Notice of Race or Sailing Instructions.