Home Forums Pebble App (Beta) Which smart watches are supported ?

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  • #414442


    Your podcast describes the app running on a Pebble.

    The Watch App home page only indicates that it runs on Garmin’s Videoactive HR device.

    Can you tell me whether it runs on both, and if not, which one is supported at this point ?


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  • #616823

    Hello Alain,

    Thanks for providing information about the RaceQ App. Unfortunately my Garmin Vivoactive HR watch has been playing up and noticed that you mentioned you might be developing the app for Apple Watch. Is this in the pipeline?



    Hi George,

    We did spend a year porting the app the the Apple Watch, and found it an amazing piece of kit, but unfortunately it proved not to have the physical attributes for water-based sports watch, so we returned to the Garmin platform, which in the intervening 12 months had resolved most of the show-stopping faults that turned us to Apple in the first place.




    still only the vivoactive HR?


    I think I found the answer on the garmin app site.   Looks like it is compatible with many devices. Does this list look right? (The raceqs site still indicates the vívoactive® HR)


    Approach® S60
    D2™ Charlie
    D2™ Delta
    D2™ Delta PX
    D2™ Delta S
    Descent™ Mk1
    Forerunner® 245
    Forerunner® 245 Music
    Forerunner® 645
    Forerunner® 645 Music
    Forerunner® 935
    Forerunner® 945
    fēnix® 5 fēnix® 5, quatix® 5
    fēnix® 5 Plus
    fēnix® 5S
    fēnix® 5S Plus
    fēnix® 5X fēnix® 5X, tactix® Charlie
    fēnix® 5X Plus
    fēnix® Chronos
    MARQ™ Athlete
    MARQ™ Aviator
    MARQ™ Captain
    MARQ™ Driver
    MARQ™ Expedition
    vívoactive® 3
    vívoactive® 3 Mercedes-Benz® Collection
    vívoactive® 3
    vívoactive® HR


    Yes, that is the correct list and it runs on the Vivoactive HR.


    As there are newer versions of the Garmin vivoactive, will the app be able to be used on them too? For example the vivoactive 4/4s or even the Venu? I’m looking at purchasing a watch soon, but want this great app to work on them, and am tempted by the new watches with their features


    The list in the Training Manual is kept up to date as we release versions of the app to keep up with Garmin’s releases, so what you see now is what is supported.

    Our users report better usability on the watches that are button driven and not touch sensitive (like Fenix 5) as the touch screen tends to misbehave when your fingers are wet.



    I have a Garmin Forerunner 235 which isn’t supported as of now. Is there any chance that you will make RaceQs available for my poor old watch, too?


    How on earth do I shut off the emails coming from this thread ??????????

    The recent emails includes the following cute, but useless message:

    “You are receiving this email because you subscribed to a forum topic.
    Login and visit the topic to unsubscribe from these emails.”

    And… I go to the forum topic, and, as expected, there is no way to unsubscribe.

    Now what ?

    This had been going on for 2 years.

    Any chance of stopping it ??

    Any chance of ACTUALLY having an UNSUBSCRIBE option IN THE EMAILS !!!???



    Hi Jeff,

    I understand that you find those emails annoying, however that’s what worries me the least with RaceQs.

    The real big problem is that the whole thing seems deserted, nothing has been done for years except the watch app, which seems to be more of an amateur project than the rest.

    I haven’t found anything that compares to the RaceQs concept, at least at a comparable price. And that’s maybe RaceQs’ biggest problem, it doesn’t seem like their business model provided the necessary revenue to keep the company going.

    We have been using RaceQs for weekly club racing, but I’m afraid that it will be gone sooner or later since there’s no people behind it any longer. So far it’s still running on their servers, but I won’t be surprised the day it’s not there. And that’s a shame, since this is really a unique concept!

    Best regards, Gunnar

    (And sorry for yet another “spam” in your inbox… ;-)

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