Home Forums GeoVids Disable Video

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  • #104933

    Is there an easy way to way to disable video replay when you are watching boats or fleets that are not the one the video was recorded on. Currently my work around is to go to Geovids and delete the video directory. This is a real kludge since I have to restore it to see my boat video.

    I currently run 2 or 3 racqQs browser tabs (one for each fleet) to edit the times and marks and the video is not useful when I am not viewing my fleet.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by
      Profile picture
       Andy Zangle.
  • Author
  • #105637

    A simpler workaround is to stop GeoVids – right click it in the tray. Run it from Start menu when you need it.


    Thanks – I will do that

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