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Hi Jeff,

I understand that you find those emails annoying, however that’s what worries me the least with RaceQs.

The real big problem is that the whole thing seems deserted, nothing has been done for years except the watch app, which seems to be more of an amateur project than the rest.

I haven’t found anything that compares to the RaceQs concept, at least at a comparable price. And that’s maybe RaceQs’ biggest problem, it doesn’t seem like their business model provided the necessary revenue to keep the company going.

We have been using RaceQs for weekly club racing, but I’m afraid that it will be gone sooner or later since there’s no people behind it any longer. So far it’s still running on their servers, but I won’t be surprised the day it’s not there. And that’s a shame, since this is really a unique concept!

Best regards, Gunnar

(And sorry for yet another “spam” in your inbox… ;-)