Home Forums Phone App High Frequency GPS support?

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  • #112108

    Recently started using Raceqs, very cool app. Thanks!

    I have a Dual Bluetooth GPS (http://gps.dualav.com/explore-by-product/xgps150a/) which I use for other things like geocaching, etc. In addition to less battery drain and better gps antenna than a phone, it comes with a wrist strap, so I can leave the phone below. It also supports 5hz sampling rate for very accurate positioning, esp when moving.

    I used the Dual with RaceQS on Android just yesterday, and that seems to work just fine. But not sure that raceqs takes advantage of the higher sampling rate. A few of the ipad-based chart plotter apps (ie. iNavX or Anchor!) listed on the Dual site as being compatible – presumably in that they can take advantage of the better positioning.

    Thoughts? (note: I do not work for Dual)

    Chris (Woodside, CA)

  • Author
  • #161866


    We did tested Dual Bluetooth GPS in our lab and it works with raceQs. The quality of the GPS signal is superb but the unit does not provide 5 hz recording as advertised. We had contacted the manufacturer and did not get any meaningful answers. for sailing it is not important since your max boat speed about 5 m/sec and gps quality is about +/- 2 m. Capturing GPS points every fifth of a second does provide any value but make the track much bigger.

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