Sailing app

Smart Phone race computer
RaceQs is a free phone app that takes advantage of your phone's built-in technology to help you get ahead of your competition. One of the most exciting features of this free app is raceQs cutting edge “Perfect Start” mode. After capturing the starting line position, raceQs calculates the favored end. It estimates if you are on time for your start, providing time and distance to the line.
And that's just the beginning. After your "Perfect Start", the app automatically converts into “Race” mode, announcing speed, course, and drift. The friendly race pro that now lives in your smart phone is also programmed to watch for wind shifts and boat handling glitches such as severe heel angle and an unsteady course. Your course is also charted on the built-in map, showing your speed as a color coded GPS track.
In optional hands-free mode, the app announces audio cues into your Bluetooth enabled headset. With your hands on the sheets and your eyes on the race course, you'll hear all the information you need, while your phone stays safely stowed down below. The app provides crucial information about your boat's speed, course, position and boat handling.
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