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  • Creator
  • #109375

    Please can you enable paragraph breaks, HTML links, images and some characters in replies (e.g. <>/|).

    Also it would be nice to be able to receive an email when someone responds to your post or to be able to follow a topic.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Profile picture raceQs.
  • Author
  • #109974

    I can see from builtwith.com that you are using Buddypress and BBPress for the forums (I also use it for Wetaforum.com) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So it’s really easy to enable limed HTML in your forums. ~~~~~(1) Goto Dashboard-Appearance-Forums ~~~~~~(2) Enable the checkboxes for~~~~~~~~~~Subscriptions~~~~~~~~~~~~ Post Formatting~~~~~~~~~~


    If you want to disable/enable specific HTML there are instructions here https://gist.github.com/stephenharris/6078242


    Thanks Paul, I will make sure the tech team gets this. You can always email them directly at : support@raceQs.com. Thanks for the input!

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