Home Forums 3d Race Replay Exporting results to Excel

  • Creator
  • #259258

    Thanks for a great application.  I noticed that there it is possible to download a *.csv file that should include results when a course has been setup.  For some reason, I do see each competitor in the b*.csv file, but ti does not show overall results.  It only shows the leg number and competitor name.  The remaining columns are empty.  Is there something that needs to be done with the course setup to get the overall results.  My course an playback is here:


    The course is not a traditional windward-leeward or triangle.  It is around hazard bouys on our lake.



  • Author
  • #259447



    You needed to add Start/Finish Line to Race Course one more time – as a finish. Please check exported results now.


    Thanks.  I thought I had added the finish line to the end.





    Wouldnt it be nice to include more data in the Excel? like:

    • Distance sailed
    • Avarage SOG
    • Max SOG
    • Number of tacks.

    All this data is already available in the database so it wouldn’t be so hard to export it.

    In that way you can analyze what the leaders are doing right and improve your game.

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