The raw data which is available from the pebble app on your is pasted below. It shows the the Wind alerts and Mark creations. I recorded the whole journey with the normal raceQs app as well and the link to that journey is also listed below. Attached are snapshots of the mark creations.
Mark creations
In general, the mark creations work quite well. Only WM-12:56 and LM-12:44 are way off for which I don’t have an explanations, the wind didn’t change that much in that upwind leg.The windward marks (WM) are mostly pinnend between the TOP mark and offset mark. I think the app just caclucates the Highest point sailed according to the wind. I think this is accurate enough since offset marks are 100 meters away at most. In an outerloop course, this method could fail however.
The use of mark creations is to give automatic calls for layline. However I haven’t seen any lay-line notification on my pebble. It is possible that i Missed all of them or they never showed.
Then there are the Pin-POS and RCB Pos. It is only showing the last recorded position, however for replay purposes i would appreciate if the previous positions are logged as well. For replay purposes it would also be nice to show exactly when the start was.
Wind alerts
I have copied the wind alerts to excel and did some analysis. I removed those wind alerts which occured while we were not racing. Te starts took place at 12:04, 13:24, 14:18 and 15:17. I had to remove a lot of windalerts. Next time I will reset the timer so the apps isn’t in race mode. I think the app isn’t recording windalerts when not in race mode.The wind direction was varying between 22 and 340. Since the wind angle was varying of the north, I adjust the wind angle. So -20 degreees means wind angle of 340. The graphs are display the wind angle and changes.
Things noticed:
- Well. The log says wind Adjust by +5 from 1 to 9. But 9-1=8. I recalculated the wind alterations. The calculated wind alternations only seem to match on 11 of 66 wind alerts.
- The peak at 15:22 is realy strange. Though it was the first tack of a new race, the wind direction isn’t calculated correctly.
- According to the log, the wind was very shifty, however in reality we had a very stable wind.
My opinion on the windalerts is that they are too unstable. They are not accurate enough to base your tactics on.
Replay of races:
Log from phone
version: Not yet retrieved from watch.
platform: aplite
model: pebble_orange
language: en_US
firmware: 3.12.1.
pebbleGuid: 6b13997627959792f040fe4aa3bead07
boatLength: 12
bowOffset: 8
11:50:33 Manual set to 339
11:53:08 Manual set to 3
11:53:20 Manual set to 360
12:06:15 H (S) of -5 to 355
12:06:46 L (S) of 5 to 1
12:08:26 L (P) of -8 to 357
12:08:55 H (P) of 5 to 1
12:12:46 H (P) of 5 to 9
12:12:55 L (P) of -5 to 4
12:25:29 L (S) of 10 to 4
12:25:53 H (S) of -13 to 351
12:26:34 L (S) of 7 to 359
12:27:40 L (S) of 6 to 9
12:28:02 H (S) of -7 to 1
12:30:15 H (P) of 8 to 13
12:30:47 L (P) of -5 to 3
12:33:48 H (P) of 11 to 10
12:34:34 H (S) of -6 to 4
12:35:15 L (S) of 7 to 7
12:35:28 H (S) of -5 to 360
12:45:38 H (S) of -7 to 0
12:45:39 L (S) of 6 to 6
12:50:33 L (P) of -14 to 356
12:50:33 H (P) of 9 to 5
13:05:08 L (P) of -6 to 5
13:07:34 H (P) of 17 to 25
13:07:58 L (P) of -9 to 16
13:08:58 H (P) of 16 to 29
13:09:13 L (P) of -9 to 22
13:09:46 H (P) of 10 to 26
13:10:14 L (P) of -10 to 16
13:10:25 H (P) of 6 to 22
13:11:08 H (P) of 5 to 31
13:12:09 H (P) of 5 to 31
13:29:08 L (P) of -29 to 0
13:29:23 L (P) of -5 to 358
13:29:56 H (P) of 7 to 5
13:37:24 H (S) of -13 to 356
13:37:25 L (S) of 6 to 2
13:37:55 L (S) of 5 to 4
13:40:21 L (S) of 6 to 7
13:41:05 L (P) of -17 to 353
13:41:13 H (P) of 13 to 5
13:51:45 L (S) of 6 to 9
13:52:33 L (S) of 8 to 16
13:52:52 H (S) of -9 to 7
13:53:30 L (P) of -5 to 6
14:08:03 H (P) of 21 to 28
14:09:51 L (P) of -5 to 28
14:10:23 L (P) of -7 to 24
14:23:26 L (P) of -19 to 5
14:34:25 H (S) of -5 to 357
14:35:58 L (S) of 7 to 5
14:36:09 L (S) of 5 to 9
14:46:33 H (S) of -6 to 351
14:47:12 L (S) of 6 to 357
14:47:45 L (S) of 5 to 359
14:52:21 H (P) of 5 to 359
14:59:59 H (P) of 17 to 12
15:01:57 H (P) of 17 to 24
15:02:06 H (P) of 6 to 30
15:04:20 H (P) of 5 to 31
15:05:15 L (P) of -10 to 21
15:06:39 H (P) of 5 to 33
15:07:11 L (P) of -19 to 18
15:08:01 H (P) of 15 to 33
15:08:15 L (P) of -6 to 28
15:09:41 L (P) of -10 to 18
15:10:46 H (S) of -64 to 314
15:10:46 L (P) of -88 to 226
15:10:58 H (P) of 7 to 233
15:11:01 L (P) of -5 to 226
15:11:40 L (S) of 31 to 257
15:11:41 H (S) of -15 to 242
15:12:56 Manual set to 12
15:18:20 H (S) of -30 to 342
15:19:13 H (S) of -6 to 340
15:22:02 H (P) of 37 to 21
15:22:03 L (P) of -19 to 2
15:31:31 L (S) of 6 to 5
15:32:50 H (S) of -6 to 359
15:35:10 L (P) of -7 to 359
15:38:42 H (S) of -7 to 357
15:46:27 L (S) of 5 to 3
15:50:47 L (P) of -5 to 346
15:59:03 L (S) of 11 to 358
15:59:23 H (S) of -5 to 355
16:01:45 H (S) of -5 to 357
16:01:50 L (S) of 7 to 4
16:02:04 H (S) of -5 to 356
16:02:46 H (S) of -5 to 352
16:03:40 H (P) of 14 to 6
16:03:41 L (P) of -6 to 0
16:04:47 L (P) of -7 to 357
16:07:58 H (P) of 8 to 358
16:08:40 L (S) of 5 to 5
16:15:27 L (S) of 5 to 7
16:16:18 L (S) of 9 to 15
16:16:45 H (S) of -7 to 8
16:17:13 L (S) of 7 to 20
17:46:52 L (P) of -31 to 343
17:46:52 H (P) of 15 to 358
17:50:12 L (S) of 35 to 33
17:54:28 H (P) of 23 to 57
17:54:28 L (P) of -12 to 45
17:55:05 L (S) of 41 to 86
17:55:05 H (S) of -20 to 65
17:55:16 H (S) of -7 to 60
RCBPos: 51.74422,3.90379
PINPos: 51.74412,3.90029
WM-15:52: 51.76021,3.89865
LM-15:43: 51.74489,3.90155
WM-15:39: 51.75995,3.89879
LM-15:31: 51.74486,3.90163
WM-15:25: 51.75992,3.89991
LM-14:58: 51.7429,3.90389
WM-14:53: 51.7599,3.89891
LM-14:45: 51.74471,3.90144
WM-14:40: 51.75993,3.89893
WM-14:26: 51.75993,3.89894
WM-14:10: 51.74473,3.90912
WM-13:56: 51.75778,3.89842
LM-13:48: 51.74484,3.90163
WM-13:44: 51.75778,3.89849
LM-13:36: 51.74494,3.90182
WM-13:32: 51.75776,3.89821
WM-13:12: 51.74456,3.90996
LM-13:04: 51.7425,3.90294
WM-12:56: 51.76458,3.90825
LM-12:44: 51.74553,3.90236
WM-12:37: 51.76491,3.90889
LM-12:25: 51.74497,3.90144
WM-12:17: 51.76486,3.90858
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