Home Forums What’s New Support Upgrade: Try out the new "Usersnap" Feedback Functions

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  • #198086

    RaceQs is a small company that truly cares about our products and values your feedback. So, we made it easy to ask us a support question by adding the new “Usersnap” feedback button. Click the button and use the tools to draw on your screen, write comments, and send us feedback about any part of our website, or the 3D race replays. Try it out!

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  • Author
  • #203035

    Place usersnap tab on analytics pages so I can easily share issues/bugs/feature requests. Please see image attached.

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    Usersnap does not work with Google Earth. Also Google Earth plug-in will be replaced with Cesium next week.


    Cesium based replay supports usersnap feedback.


    Thank you for sharing!

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