Home Forums 3d Race Replay Track from one regatta was attached to different regatta, Regatta setup missing

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  • #246693

    We have  three days regatta. The logs from first two days were normally merged to our regatta, but at last day there was a second regatta some 40 nm away from us and each of our track is attached to that regatta.

    I was trying to create our own regatta but it is not possible because Regatta setup tab missing?

    Thanks for any hints


  • Author
  • #246857


    That other regatta was marked as “VIP” in the system. In such a case only few regatta administrators have an access to its setup and the app hides the setup UI for everybody else. Your case shows that we need to re-think this.

    I’ve cleared “VIP” status from that regatta and you should be able to setup yours now.


    Thank you

    Now I see Regata setup tab and track can be connected to proper regatta.

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