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Page showing the TWD’s over the day for post-race analysis? It’s already there… The Settings option from the raceQs app in the pebble app on the phone displays the TWD changed over the day. But you have to look for them before 10:00 the next day when they are erased (for the next day’s race).

Shows time, header (H) or lift (L), Current tack (P)ort, (S)tbd, Wind direction change in degrees, -(left) to new TWD

Delighted to hear you’re finding it stable – not everybody is getting the same result. Are you iPhone or Android (Android seems more stable).

Yes, you’re quite right, we are unable to correct TWD for current. Not until we can capture compass heading and speed through water (log).

We don’t want to prejudice the purity of testing(!) by suggesting where to concentrate. We’re interested in how it works for you on the water, things like  accuracy, usability, reliability are what we’re looking for.

It’s good to get some familiarity with the app before sailing by playing with it in your garden or on a playing field.

Keep up the good work